if I need to ask you something
stay in the line with the others babe

if I need to give you something
give it to my assistant darling

if I need to see you on tuesday
call my manager friday

if I want to hold your hands
you have to fight my bodyguard

if I need a lover..
lick my feet

Screw you babeee



Hello Paula
how are you Arthur?
what are you doing?
I want to see you

It's a sunny day
let's go to Saint Michel
We can meet us in front of the FLECHE

We have some beers
and a bottle of wine
we can do the party
till tomorrow morning

going out with my friends
it's more funny than a mini horse for blind men

Hello Arthur
how are you Paula?
what are you doing?
I want to see you

It's raining today
let's go to Jean Claude's place
all (the) buddies are there, they're waiting for us

We have some beers
and a bottle of wine
we can do the party
till tomorrow morning

Going out with my friends
it's more funny than a mini horse for blind men



There was a shadow in front of me
It's freezing in my room
so I didn't dig (it) was him
before he hugged me tight
and then he started to talk
and then he started to talk

"I'm your father
you're my son
can you see? I repeat
I'm your father
you're my son
can you see? I repeat
I'm your father
you're my son"

And I see: I've a blood tie with Satan
I've a blood tie with Satan

I'm your father
you're my son
I'm your husband
I'm your wife
I'm your father
you're my son
I'm your husband
I'm your wife
I'm your father
you're my son
I'm your husband
I'm your wife

I'm your sister



Je t'adore
T'es la seule dans mon coeur
Je te regarde de loin
et je sais que t'es là pour moi
Je te touche et je t'embrasse
Je sais que t'aimerais mourir dans mes bras
Ce soir on fait faire l'amour
Mais demain, demain, demain,
j'en suis sur, j'aurais plus envie de toi

Loin de moi, loin de moi,loin de mon coeur et mes larmes

Je te regarde de loin
et je sais, je sais bien que toi t'es pas là pour toi
et je sais, je sais bien que je dois pas te chercher
si c'est pas toi qui a envie de me voir

Loin de moi, loin de moi, loin de mon coeur et mes larmes

Je veux te serrer dans mes bras
jusqu'à que je prends ta vie
jusqu'à que ton dernier souffle est à coté de mon coeur
et ta tete entre mes seins
et toi, toi t'es mort
et toi, et toi, et toi...

I think I love you too